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Bundling Home and Auto Insurance Policies

Thinking you want to bundle insurance, but aren’t sure if it’s the right move? Here are a few reasons why we generally recommend it.


Bundle Insurance to Save Money

The main reason to bundle insurance is to save a pretty penny. Since you have to get auto insurance and home insurance anyways, why not find a way to get a good deal? Bundling insurance generally provides that. According to this article on Forbes, you can save between 5% to 25% by bundling insurance.

The insurance company is able to give you a better rate because it’s kind of like shopping at Costco. You are essentially buying a higher volume of insurance, so you get a high volume discount.

That said, the amount of money you save by combining your auto insurance and car insurance will vary from state to state. The thing is, you don’t really know how much you can save until you actually go request a quote. You may live in a state that will let you get a great deal, or you may live in a state where the savings don’t add up to much.

The good news is there is more than one reason to bundle insurance.


Bundling Insurance Makes it Easier on You

Anyone who has experienced a meal with multiple young kids knows how hard it can be to please everyone. One kid loves pizza, the other hates it. The little girl wants apple juice but the boy only drinks milk.

This kind of divide puts the adults in a bad spot. Do they give one kid what they want, making the other one frustrated? Or do they take the time to make two different foods to keep everyone happy?

The ideal in this situation – just like with your insurance – is to be able to simplify things as much as possible. You want all of the kids to eat the exact same food so you aren’t dealing with two different dishes on the stove. Likewise, bundling insurance means you only have to work with one insurance company instead of two.

Get in a car accident? No problem – you know who to call, and they know you since you have multiple policies with them.

Have a hail storm and need a new roof? Again, no problem – your trusted agency is there to help.


Bundle Insurance to Simplify Your Life

Let’s face it – most Americans live busy lives. School, work, extracurriculars, family, friends, side hustles, hobbies – we have a lot going on. Even during COVID, people were finding ways to get out of the house all the time.

Sometimes the busyness of our lives can get overwhelming and we want to simplify things. Instead of eating different foods all the time, maybe you come up with a meal plan where you eat the same things most days. Instead of going to different events every weekend, maybe you pick your favorites and chill on the others instead of being on the go all the time.

Bundle home and auto insurance to simplify your life. You go from two payments to one. You only have one company to talk to if something comes up or you have questions about your policies. You only have one password to remember (or save somewhere) instead of two.


We Can Help

Want more information on how to bundle insurance? Give us a call at (877) 600-7347 or send us an email at We’ll guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.


5 Things to Know About Car Insurance

Car insurance can be a tricky thing. Even though it’s a great safeguard in case you get in an accident or suffer damage to your vehicle, it’s also required across much of the United States. It can be difficult to decipher what type of policy that you need, especially since you’ll have to take note about if it satisfies legal requirements for insurance.

Here are a few things to know about car insurance for your own knowledge, and to help you find the right policy for your needs.

Insurance Coverage Varies: Drivers in California need liability insurance. This is to protect you and other drivers in case of an accident. Coverage usually includes limits for injuries per person, injury per accident, and other property damage.

Cost Depends on Statistics: Insurance companies often assign prices for different coverages based on statistics. For example, teenage drivers have statistically been shown to be high-risk drivers, and insurance companies charge for coverage accordingly.

Others will use your driving record and even your zip code and credit score to come up with a rate that’s based on these types of statistical metrics. Some states limit what type of statistics insurance companies can use to come up with rates. Using a credit score as a risk indicator for insurance is not allowed in California.

Buy Before You Drive: It’s important to secure car insurance before driving, and before the actual car-buying process. Shopping around early for insurance will help you with the car budget because you’ll have an idea about your premium. It’s important to not have a lapse in coverage between policy terms for your insurance. Otherwise, don’t be afraid to switch up your insurance. If you add a new driver, or feel that your rates are jumping up too high, then start shopping around for new quotes.

Click here to learn the risks of not purchasing auto insurance!

You Can Lower Your Rates: It’s certainly possible to lower car insurance rates to a certain extent. For example, maintaining a clean driving record can go a long way towards keeping rates lower in the future. Other strategies include sharing a policy with someone else, bundling car insurance with a homeowners policy, or paying your premiums early. These tips could help you make a stronger case for lower rates in the future, but it is not guaranteed.

Keep these five things to know in the back of your head as you hit the road.

Do you have a question about car insurance? Click here to contact Partners Direct Insurance Services today!

Courtesy of Cuselleration

No Auto Insurance: California Dreaming Turns Into a Nightmare


You are probably like millions of Californians who depend on their cars to get to work, run errands, pick up the kids, go to the grocery store: in other words just live life. Then, one day while you’re on the interstate, someone abruptly cuts in front of you and the two of you collide, totalling your car. If you don’t have auto insurance, you are looking at a huge financial uphill climb. You will have to find another vehicle, and find a lot of money to buy it. It can be a life game-changer, and it all happened in a split second.


Let’s Look at Auto Insurance Numbers

  • 1 in every eight Americans chooses to have no automobile insurance
  • Here in the Golden State, there are about 32 million registered motor vehicles. Think about that: 32 million is far more than most states have in population!  Each owner is required by California state law to have auto insurance, but unfortunately, many do not.
  • One interesting note is that there are more registered motor vehicles than there are licensed drivers.
  • We have roughly 22 million licensed drivers in the state, so that is 10 motor vehicles for every eight drivers.
  • Even if we cut out the five-and-a-half million extra automobiles, Californians drive 300 billion miles a year.
  • To do this, in California we use 15 billion gallons of gasoline.
  • In terms of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) California drivers average 13,636 each year. Compare that to the national average VMT of 9,363, according to recent data.
  • In its 2012 Urban Mobility Report, the Texas Transportation Institute declared that drivers in two regions: Los Angeles Long Beach Santa Ana (LA-LB-SA) and San Francisco Oakland (SF-O) experience a yearly average of 61 hours of delay in traffic.


So in other words, here in the Golden State, we are dependent on our automobiles and we drive a lot.


  • The State of California requires insurance companies to take the number of miles you drive each year into account when figuring out auto insurance premiums. It just makes sense: the more miles you drive, the more likely you would be to get into an accident.
  • Also, the type of vehicle you drive impacts your rates. California car insurance premiums are largely based on how old, how expensive, how safe, or how prone your car is to be stolen by thieves.
  • It is imperative that you have insurance, so if you are in a wreck, you can be covered, and get in a new vehicle without it impacting your financial life. Also, if the wreck is deemed to be your fault, you need liability insurance in order to take care of the other driver as well.


At Partners Direct Insurance, we take your individual driving needs into consideration in order to find you the best premium to keep you covered. For example, if you were driving a large number of miles, say 15,000 but your job change has cut that down significantly, that could mean a reduction in your premium.


That’s why it is important to work with an insurance company who will find the best deal…for you, in order to protect your savings and your assets in case of an accident.  Contact us at Partners Direct Insurance: just fill out your contact information and one of our team members will be in touch to provide a quote on our comprehensive Auto Insurance policies. We want you to have the best option so you can have peace of mind while stuck in traffic!


Helpful Insurance Tips for the New Year

Auld Lang Syne

It is now one second past midnight on January 1st, and people in your time zone are celebrating the New Year. Why do we attach so much significance to the changing of the calendar? We can thank Julius Caesar for New Year’s Eve parties, when he changed the calendar and everyone took notice. This unique time change gives us the opportunity to celebrate and reflect. We want to take stock of what went well in 2017, and make adjustments to bring forth a better 2018, and that includes insurance tips for the new year.


We want to lose weight. We want to make more money. We want to feel more spiritually fulfilled. We want to find the job we truly love. We want more control over our lives. Whatever ‘it’ is for you, one of the things we all should do at the start of the new year is to take stock of our insurance, and make sure we have the coverage we need to protect our families. The team at Partners Direct Insurance, take seriously the task of making sure you have the right insurance for your home, auto and business needs.


Most people find an insurance policy that works for them, and then they mentally check off that box and never think of it the rest of the year. But we think it is important to re-evaluate your policies and coverage to make sure it is the best fit for you. That’s why our company is dedicated to working with your individual needs to find the best fit for you.


So take the mental dust off those policies, and consider a few things:


Risk managers are essential to your family’s well-being. Yes, they will tell you to think about what could possibly go wrong in 2018. That’s their job. It’s important to listen so you can find the best coverage for your individual needs.


There’s No Place Like Home

For example, if your home was destroyed by a wildfire, what would it take financially to get you back on your feet? If you leave for a weekend and a water leak springs from your kitchen sink and half of your home is flooded, how well are you covered? It’s important to figure out what it would actually cost you to rebuild, repair or replace the structure with brand new materials of comparable quality. Does your policy include coverage that provides for your family if you need to relocate? Those costs can add up very quickly following a home emergency.


On the Road Again

If your car is totalled by a driver with no insurance, how soon can you get back on 4 wheels? One of the most common insurance pitfalls for drivers is being uninsured and not understanding the coverage they have already purchased. What if you are injured? Will your insurance policy pay for medical needs? What if you are at fault and others are hurt? Will your policy cover their medical needs? It’s estimated that 40 percent of drivers on the roads aren’t adequately covered by their insurance policies for bodily injury. One mistake on the road can ruin you financially for years to come. How much car insurance do you need? Talk with our team to discuss your individual needs: sometimes it makes sense to increase your deductible. If you can save $200 by assuming an additional $500 worth of risk, it might be worth it.


Now Let’s Get Down to Business

If you run a business out of your home, you’ll want to check on your insurance options. If you store inventory at your home, or have customers coming in, you need to consider your liability in the case of theft, or if a customer would slip and fall. It just makes sense to protect yourself from the worst case scenarios.


We agree: not pleasant topics, but these insurance tips for the new year are essential ones to consider when talking with our team. At Partners Direct Insurance, we love our clients and make sure we match the best policy to their needs. Call us and let’s celebrate 2018!