

4 Home Improvement Projects You Can Do Yourself

Looking for some DIY home improvement projects this summer? Here are a few of the easier ones that can make a huge difference around your home. 

Home Improvement Project #1: Paint

The first project to consider is painting. Almost everyone has at least one room in their house they wouldn’t mind as a different color. For example, maybe your bathroom is extremely dark, so you want to make it an off-white to brighten it up. Or perhaps your bedroom is too light, and you want to make it nice and dark to help you sleep better. 

Either way, the good news is painting is something that anyone can do. As long as you don’t need to reach any areas that are very high up such as a two-story foyer, you can probably do everything with an 8ft ladder. 

DIY Home Improvement Project #2: Garage Storage Shelves

It is a very common problem to feel like your garage is a mess and cluttered. Things start to build up the longer you are in a house and the more stuff you acquire. It’s easy to lose track of items that aren’t well-organized and stacked on the floor in boxes etc.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, have you ever been in a garage with storage shelves attached to the wall? They go a long way in turning a messy garage into a room you can almost enjoy.

The best part is these shelves aren’t too difficult to put up. You will need a circular saw and stud finder to do the job right, so an investment may be required. But those are great tools for any DIYer, and the extra breathing room you’ll experience in your garage will be worth it. 

Home Improvement Project #3: Refresh Caulk

Your house has caulk all over the place. Windows, bathtubs, counters, cabinets, etc. Over time, caulk tends to get worn out, cracking and falling apart. This makes the caulk both unsightly and less effective, causing things like moisture, cold air and bugs to come through. 

The good news is putting on a fresh layer of caulk is pretty easy. Here’s a pro tip: Don’t buy the cheapest caulk gun you can find. Get one that is easy to push and has a no-drip stop. 

House Improvement Project #4: Improve the Landscaping

Everyone loves the great outdoors, right? Here are a few ideas on projects to consider:

  • Build a fire pit
  • Dig a dry creek bed if you have erosion issues
  • Create a patio or wood deck
  • Cut down small trees and foliage
  • Rake up leaves in untouched areas of the yard
  • Plant a garden
  • Build a retainer wall

You don’t need to do everything at once of course. Just pick one or two projects at a time so you don’t stretch yourself too thin.

Doing a few home improvement projects may help you get your mind off the crazy world we live in right now. But because we do live in a crazy world where the unexpected happens, make sure you’re protected. Let us know how we can help with your insurance needs.