How to Follow Through on Your New Year’s Resolutions in 2020

How to Follow Through on Your New Year's Resolutions in 2020

2020 New Year’s Resolutions – A lot of us have them, but most people struggle to stick with their goals once life hits and we’re back in the “real world.” 

Not you though. Not this year! Here are a few tips to help you reach the goals you’ve set for yourself. To do that, we’ll outline a few of the most common goals and how to achieve them. 

New Year’s Resolution Health Goals

The most common type of resolution falls in the health category. A lot of people focus on eating healthier or getting in better shape. 

The best way to do this is to set a specific goal instead of a vague one. A vague goal would be something like “I want to lose weight.” That isn’t specific enough to take action on. Instead, use specific goals. For example:

I will eat two servings of vegetables a day at dinner. This is a great one because it accomplishes two important things:

  • You eat more healthy, low calorie, nutritious food
  • You eat less unhealthy food (since you’re filling up on the good stuff)

It’s also easy to plan ahead with this goal. You can just get a few big bags of frozen veggies during your grocery shopping.  That should get you through a week’s worth of meals. 

I will walk around the block for 20 minutes on Monday and Thursday mornings at 6 am. This one is very specific, which is great. It tells you

  • What you’re doing
  • When you’re doing it
  • Where it’s going to happen

There’s no ambiguity. You either do it or you don’t – simple as that. 

I will drink 1 glass of water every morning as soon as I wake up. Again, this is great because it’s very specific. You can easily plan for this by putting a cup of water on your nightstand and this specific goal is easier to maintain versus just saying ‘I will stay more hydrated’.

Hopefully, you see a pattern here. The best way to set a resolution isn’t to just set a vague goal. By setting a specific goal, you’re able to more easily track your progress. 

New Year’s Resolution Financial Goals

Another common type of resolution is in the financial world. Here are a few good ones to consider and a plan of action.

I will take my lunch to work 3 days a week instead of eating out. Maybe right now you eat out for lunch 5 days a week, and have decided you can cut back to save money. 

Instead of going from 5 days to 0, consider backing off to just 3 or 4 days at first. This will get you used to packing your lunch and planning ahead. Then you can go down to just 2 days, then 1. Before you know it, you’ll be packing your lunch every day and saving a lot of money. 

It’s easier for most people to take small steps rather than huge ones.

I will earn $200 a month on the side by walking dogs two days a week. The gig economy is here. Millions of people supplement their main income with some kind of side hustle. 

There are a few important things with this one

  • Decide how much you want to make (keep it relatively low at first) 
  • Pick a realistic side hustle to start with

It can take time to build up this side hustle, so set small milestones for yourself. You don’t want to set a huge goal, miss it and be disappointed when you quit. 

Relationship New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

Last but not least, let’s talk about some relationship goals you may have. The key here, as we’ve already discussed, is trying to be specific and start small. 

I will spend 10 minutes of one-on-one time with each child every day. This may sound easy to some people, but it can be very difficult for some families. Most kids are involved in extracurricular activities and you’re involved doing your own things – work, hobbies, time with friends, exercise, etc. 

Set a realistic time that you can spend one-on-one with your children. It doesn’t need to be hours and hours. Just find an activity you can do alone with them. Even if it’s just reading to them at bedtime, that’s a great start. 

I will call my parents every Wednesday while driving to work. We’re often so busy living our own lives that we tend to forget to reach out to people we don’t see regularly. Maybe you’ve decided this year you’re going to spend more time talking to them on the phone. 

Set a specific place and time to call the person you want to build a relationship with. Driving is one option, assuming you have a hands-free device and can still concentrate. 

We hope this article helps you reach your goals in 2020. Just remember- small steps. If you miss a day or have a slip-up, it’s okay. Just stand up, dust yourself off, and get back on the bandwagon! And as always, please let us know if we can help you with a great insurance policy. Send us an email at or give us a call at (877) 600-7347. Happy New Year!

Courtesy of Cuselleration