Tips to Safely Celebrate Christmas


Christmas is right around the corner, and celebrating during the pandemic will be different. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Plan Ahead to Avoid COVID this Christmas

The first thing to do is simply plan ahead. Here are two things to consider as you begin your holiday plans.

Are COVID rates increasing in my destination’s area? If so, you will need to be extra cautious once you get there.

Am I or someone I live with considered a high risk individual? COVID isn’t fun for anyone, but certain people groups such as seniors and those with existing medical conditions are at higher risk than others.

The reason you should think about people that live with you is even if they stay home for the holidays, you don’t want to end up bringing the virus back to them.

Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling for Christmas

Whether you’re driving or flying, there are a few general principles to follow to help you stay safe and healthy while on your way to and from your destination.

Please wear a mask – The topic of wearing masks is still hot. A lot of people feel like having to wear a mask is encroaching on their freedoms. Please do it to protect yourself, your loved ones and people around you.

Stop as few times as possible – The more often you stop, the more likely you are to be exposed to the virus. This doesn’t mean you need to completely avoid stopping, but see what you can do to minimize the pit stops.

Bring your own food – One way to minimize the number of times you stop is to bring your own food. Nonperishables such as chips, pretzels, protein bars or granola bars are great. You can also bring some stuff in a cooler.

Stop at restaurants with drive-through or curbside service – When you stop for a meal, avoid going inside and sitting down at a table. Opt for drive-through or curbside pickup instead.

Bring hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes – Anytime you have to touch something that a lot of other people do, you’ll want to be prepared to sanitize your hands. For example, you can sanitize the gas pump with a disinfectant wipe before using it. Then after you’re done, use your hand sanitizer. It may seem excessive, but in these crazy times it doesn’t hurt to be extra cautious.

Being Safe at Your Destination

You don’t need to completely avoid Grandma for the entire trip. But we do recommend you avoid excessive close contact with her.

For example, maybe you live in an area where it’s warm enough to hold activities outside. Someone with a big backyard can host, or you can find a local park.

Another thing you can do is try to maintain 6 feet of distance most of the time. That way you aren’t breathing each other’s air constantly and potentially exposing each other to the virus.


This Christmas will look a bit different this year, but it can still be a great time to see family and friends. Just be careful out there!